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add a Flash ClickTag

How do I add a Flash "ClickTag"? The company that's going to host the banner says that it must... 1) include ClickTag tracking using the appropriate Action Script. 2) Ads with a white background must include a black border one pixel in width.
I don't see how to accomplish this with BannerNow

Jim Clark , 25.10.2012, 20:35
Idea status: under consideration


Gaurav, 08.08.2013, 08:21
The reason for the loop is that it will get every rreocd present for each time it loops And yeah, I suppose that is a good way of doing it, I was just showing how to easily evaluate a password and if it is correct or not.
Rosario, 10.08.2013, 11:00
If you run ubuntu open temniral and basically use this to get your answer if running(You)suPassword:(if it worked it should say root)/opt/lampp/lampp startsoowner@owner-Inspiron-537:~$ suPassword:root@owner-Inspiron-537:/home/owner# /opt/lampp/lampp startStarting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.4 XAMPP: XAMPP-Apache is already running.XAMPP: XAMPP-MySQL is already running.XAMPP: XAMPP-ProFTPD is already running.XAMPP for Linux started. http://eeaife.com [url=http://ldojmhtc.com]ldojmhtc[/url] [link=http://axwvht.com]axwvht[/link]
Robert, 15.08.2013, 10:09
Wow. I would have given up on setting up my Phing buldis on my Windows machine if you hadn't posted this. Followed it step by step and it all worked out. Thanks! http://sgilavwjr.com [url=http://fqmmtnrbl.com]fqmmtnrbl[/url] [link=http://wykezhjizn.com]wykezhjizn[/link]

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